Telegram has joined the facility to import your chat history from WhatsApp, Line, and KakaoTalk to Telegram, which means you…
Telegram has observed a surge in users ever since WhatsApp's new privacy policy has come under the radar. WhatsApp, meantime,…
Telegram has driven new features. The Telegram's unique features include Voice Chat for Telegram Groups, SD Card storage and new…
To say that apps are where it's at right now at this moment seems like an understatement. Statistics show that…
WhatsApp is reportedly preparing to perform a lot of modifications to the wallpaper section. WhatsApp is rumored to come with…
Telegram the Secure messaging app has started an alpha version of one-on-one video calls on both it's Android and iOS…
WhatsApp new feature web search that allows users to search the contents of viral messages to fact-check misinformation instantly, the…
Telegram founder, Pavel Durov, in a public post, has placed out seven reasons why “every iPhone user should be concerned…
The Facebook-owned Messaging Chat app is looking to add more features to give a tough fight to wrest its customers.…
Dropbox, a cloud storage service provider, has modestly launched a private beta of its password manager app on the Google…