Google Search Results to soon show short videos from Instagram & TikTok

google results to show short videos

Google is operating on the latest feature that would aggregate short videos from Instagram and TikTok and display it on the search results.

As per some reports, Google is working on the chance to feature the videos from the two platforms. This indicates if the feature is rolled out, users would no longer have to open separate apps to watch videos, and they can watch the videos within the Google search results.

To retain the users of Instagram and TikTok, Google is now experimenting with new short video results that would allow you to watch videos from TikTok and Instagram directly on Google Search results.

These videos will be open in a separate “Short videos” carousel right below your search query. When you click on any of the videos, will take you to the different web version of TikTok or Instagram inside the Search tab.

The spokesperson had said the publication that Google is testing the feature on mobiles now. The quality is in its early stages on the Google app and the website on mobiles, this feature may arrive for everyone in the coming months. (As per a TechCrunch report)

This indicates that the video carousel would not seem on your search results now, but as Google rolls out the feature, it would surface top video content from Instagram and TikTok.

Google is supposed to increase the feature for more search items and short videos in the coming weeks. The company is yet to reveal when it will be available on the web and mobile devices.

Google already has Google Stories, but the report states that the “Short Videos” carousel is entirely different.

(Search Engine Roundtable) was the first reported about the short video Search result. They were able to access the feature by searching for “packers” on Google Search. After that, everyone attempted to search with that keyword, but no one got the search video results; it means google did not imply this feature.

After some time, some users also got this feature on their devices. Saad AK and another person Brian Freiesleben shared the screenshot of the search video results on their Twitter handles.

To those from India, don’t know what will be the option of TikTok, because TikTok is banned in Inda. Don’t see what Google will show instead of TikTok videos in India.

By techgogoal

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