What are Business Forums, and What are their Uses

A forum for companies is a great communication opportunity for organizations. These are spaces for sharing to get new contacts, expand business areas, create synergies with potential collaborators and facilitate convergence between different social agents.

In short, an increasingly used communication tool; is a meeting place between potential clients and companies, where they can communicate their lines of action.

What is a Forum for Companies, and What is it For?

Business forums are public events. In them, one or several organizations present themes related to a common concept. These meetings seek to bring together specialists who give their vision as experts, encouraging the participation of attendees.

In this type of meeting, companies have the opportunity to reflect on the issues addressed. In the same way, they are very useful for improving your network of contacts and expanding business through networking.

For organizations, it becomes a different way of communicating news or differential projects they are carrying out.

This is How a Forum for Companies is Developed

A business forum comprises three main parts: pre, during, and post-event. In the first phase, before the meeting, the budget, contents, speakers, and all the logistical parts of it are defined. During the meeting, the post would take place, referring to the acknowledgments, press clipping, impact on social networks and return.

A business forum would be made up of the following parts:

Institutional opening: carried out by the highest representatives of the CCAA and venue of the meeting.

Presentations: Developed by the main experts of the subject on which the forum is to be seen. Interventions where it is approached from a contextual vision and continues with more specific reflections.

Presentation of Practical Cases: A space where you can find out how those companies or institutions putting the subject matter into practice are doing it. These interventions interest the attendees, who learn about real cases and give them ideas to implement in their organizations.

Networking: A fundamental part of a business forum. This is the moment to interact with potential clients or collaborators to create synergies and cooperation agreements.

Types of Business Forums

Strategic and Innovation Forum

It is a type of forum that is held to promote the culture of innovation within the companies themselves. The strategic and innovation forums aim to share knowledge to accompany managers in transforming and promoting new economic and business models. This way, a lively and participatory business ecosystem is fostered where managers feel inspired, focused, and connected. 

Brand Forum

An example may be the Leading Brands of Forum. Its purpose is to promote, at all levels, the strategic importance of the brand, innovation, and design. With this, they seek to promote the internationalization of the company. 

Likewise, it serves as a lever for the competitiveness of the economy. In this way, they enhance the image of and all companies. His fields of work are varied and go through intellectual property, financing, human resources, and marketing, among others. 

Investment Forum

This type of forum aims to connect investors with projects that may be attractive to them. The organizers of these meetings focus on filtering the guests very well since the generation of opportunities depends on this. 

An example of an investment forum is Keiretsu, with more than 53 branches in 27 countries. Since its foundation in 2008 and until 2015, they invested 20 million euros in the capital of 80 startups and innovative companies. Business schools such as ESADE and IESE also have their forums.

Employment Forum

These forums are organized to promote quality employment, putting students and university graduates in contact with companies and institutions. Conferences, workshops, and round tables are also held in this type of meeting where companies can make themselves known to the professional profiles that demand employment.

Entrepreneurs Forum

A space where entrepreneurs share experiences and knowledge to develop their projects and ideas. A forum to share synergies and collaboration networks to generate new business opportunities. Exedra, founded by Alex Dantart, Top Voice 2020 LinkedIn, is an example of this forum. 

A project in which twenty entrepreneurs participate. Its objective is to create a community that can discuss different problems the entrepreneurial ecosystem can discuss different problems relate to the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Experiences, Networking, and Knowledge

Several types of forums exist and are very diverse. Each of them will be attended by a specialized public with common objectives. These are spaces where you can share experiences and improve your contacts: in any forum, the ultimate goal of the attendee is networking. In this sense, the forums are events that take care of every last detail and usually have top-level speakers. 

Likewise, it is worth highlighting the social function of this type of event: thanks to the knowledge shared in company forums, ideas or projects often arise that benefit society as a whole.

The most disruptive trends in business areas such as Management, Marketing, Finance, Technology, or Human Resources, are so that entrepreneurs and managers can access the inspiration that allows them to evolve their company’s business model.


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