Telegram has launched two web apps the messaging app, Telegram WebK and Telegram WebZ, perpetually had a web app, but it was not as successful as the mobile app has grown over the past few months.
They were remarkable significant intervals in the early web app because it unusually got any update, unlike the mobile. However, now the group has begun two separate apps—the Telegram WebK and the Telegram WebZ.
The web version of Telegram needed some basic features. Users were incapable of sending something as measly as stickers on the messaging app, could not perform video calls.
But the new web apps are here to load up the void. It continues unclear why Telegram launched two separate apps rather than launching one with whole the features.
From the aspects of it, the app looks equal to each other. And of course, you can transfer stickers utilizing both versions of the app.
The WebK and the Telegram Webz have two separate developers, but they function much in an identical way.
However, you would see very minute variations in the user interface of the two apps.
For example, you can mute calls in the WebK version of the app, but you can’t make it in the WebZ version because there is no mute button.
WebK search bar is white, whereas Web Z has a gray search bar. There are several slight variations if you delve deeper. The apps were original found by a website called DroidMaze, likely pointing to a report by AndroidHeadlines.
Still, one prominent feature that the web apps of Telegram don’t possess is the capability to voice call.
Interestingly, Telegram’s competitive WhatsApp had rolled out the feature for its web users several months ago.
Anyway, Telegram might quickly release an update, but you can check out the revamped web apps at the official website of Telegram until then.
You will notice the links to all the versions of Telegram, including the desktop apps, web apps, mobile apps, and more.
Earlier, a TestingCatalog article said that Telegram is examining the experience to schedule voice chats in channels.
As of now, the feature is possible in the beta version, but the organization might quickly release the feature with the Telegram v7.7.0 update.
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